New Family Constellations

By letting go of family loyalties we can be more present and
enjoy our own life.

Systemic therapy or New Family Constellations gives us the opportunity to finish what the previous ones left unfinished, pay debts that ancestors left pending, include what was rejected, and reconcile, recovering happiness and balance of the system.

A constellation is a therapeutic intervention that allows you to see and heal
what you need to see right now.

Sistemica Therapy or New Family Constellations

In family constellation therapy, the unconscious ties that unite us to the members of the same system or family are recognized.
We can identify bonds and commands that arose out of love, and that may have led to being negative.

An online (zoom) or in-person session can be coordinated and can be:


In Group.

Nuevas constelaciones

Círculo Sagrado

I organize group constellation sessions in Spanish in which I accompany them:

  • To let go of old patterns.
  • To live in calm.
  • To connect with your inner guide.
  • To live in coherence.
  • and may everything we do be a positive force in the world!

A sacred ritual that will connect you with your inner guide.

Agenda 2025

To be defined.

Nuevas constelaciones familiares

What happens in a Constellacion?

What should I do during a session of New Family Constellations?

In each session we need to maintain presence, with interest, observing, relaxed and releasing judgment.

Each person comes with an intention, but I need to let go of expectation and criticism, because it distracts me from what I am going to experience.

I invite you to participate actively, because this way you will receive more.

And the more I trust and respect the process and others, the more I will receive. I will receive more in the form of clarity, understanding and healing.

During a representation you will feel that your body moves and guides you. And when you let yourself go, information arrives, the deep reality, which I invite you not to think or analyze.

Try to empty yourself as in a meditation. Release the analysis and relax to receive the information I need to receive at that moment.

That is why in each circle I invite you to completely surrender to the movement that at a subtle level will produce the changes you need.

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1 Session 1:1 (60 min): Residents in Norway kr. 800.
España & Latinoamérica € 40

1 Group Session (90 min): Residents in Norway kr 500 per participant.
España & Latinoamérica € 25 cada participante.

See package options in Psychotherapy Prices.

This is a private practice without refund by the Norwegian health service. This means that you will have to pay the full fee for each session.

A scheduled session must be cancelled at least 48 hours before, or it will be fully charged.

vÍA Zoom

Online, from wherever you are!


Welcome to my space in Horten, Norway. We can also coordinate Group sessions in Oslo.

“Blaming others is not accepting responsibility for our life, it is distracting from it.”
Facundo Cabral

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Cómo sanar traumas los traumas de mis ancentros?

Todas las familias tienen mandatos o acuerdos que se repiten de generación en generación.

Muchas veces pacientes me preguntan: cómo sanar los traumas heredados? y se sienten preocupados y muchas veces con sensación de estar atrapados en una seguidilla de destinos fatales, enfermedades hereditarias, parejas infieles, violencia o pérdidas muy dolorosas.

La respuesta a esa preguna es: Sí, si se pueden sanar los traumas o mandatos familiares heredados.

Constelando al emigrante

… No es casualidad que quienes emigremos tengamos antepasados que han emigrado y en dicho proceso haya habido ruptura, dolor y madres que no volvieron a ver a sus hijos.

Y es que: qué pasa con esas emociones?…

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Book an Appointment

(+47) 453 94490
Whatssap or call.

“Honor your ancestors, be grateful for everything you have received from them, and feel peace with this.”
Bert Hellinger